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#EpicEarthlings with Aditi Mayer

Published by Eve Palmer,

To celebrate Earth Month, we're highlighting some of our favorite humans and the ways in which they live a sustainable lifestyle. Aditi Mayer is a fashion blogger with an emphasis on social activism. She's interested in the intersection of style, sustainability, and social justice. So naturally, we were keen to hear what she had to say! Sea our Q&A below. 

1. How did you first get into advocating for the intersection of sustainability and social justice? 

My catalyst to enter the sustainable fashion world was the 2013 Rana Plaza Factory Collapse-- which was an 8-story garment factory that killed over 1,134 people; one of the largest industrial disasters of our time. The day before the collapse, deep cracks had appeared in the eight-story building, but there was so much pressure from upper management to have workers finish orders, facilitating this mass industrial homicide.

So my entry into the world of sustainable fashion was rooted in looking at the industry through a lens of social justice. After the 2012 Rana Plaza Factory collapse, my eyes were opened to the intersection between labor rights and marginalized communities. I was just about starting college at the time, and concurrently started my blog. At the time, my understanding of sustainable fashion was quite elementary-- I always describe my blog as a platform that grew alongside me and my nuanced understanding of sustainability.

2. What advice around purchasing do you have for consumers during their quarantine?

During quarantine, I feel like we are all being exposed to the soul of sustainability, meaning we are truly being confronted with what we really need. At this point in time, beyond access to shelter, food, and basic necessities, everything else seems excessive. So I would say:

1) Use quarantine as a time to recalibrate your relationship with consumption, and when you are in need of some sort of product.

2) Use this time to support smaller, sustainable brands that need the support. 

3. Do you have a favorite quote that inspires your work?

"Lead with love. Low ego, high impact. Move at the speed of trust." — The 3 organizing guidelines for the Black Lives Matter Movement.

AKUA Earth Month

AKUA is celebrating Earth Month all of April with free shipping across the whole site! We are also hosting cooking tutorials every Sunday on our Instagram called #SustainableSundays where chefs and influencers alike are sharing their favorite sustainable meals. Join us in celebrating Earth Month now and all year long!


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